Education, Science, and Technology International Conference
<p>The study uses the classroom action research method carried out in two cycles. The research aims to improve the learning outcomes of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health subject for SMK Negeri 1 Temanggung students grade 10 of academic year 2023/2024. Whereas at the time of the pre-research, 21 students were declared failed and 15 students were declared passed at the minimum passing grade of 75. Research result shows that there are significant improvements on the learning outcome after applying the Discovery Learning Model. Analysis on the passing grade result before the research begins is 90% or 1 student declared passed. Result of the first cycle, the passing grade is 72% or 26 students declared passed, and on the second cycle the passing grade is 86% or 31 students declared passed. The conclusion of this study is that the use of the Discovery Learning Model can improve the learning outcomes of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health subject in Grade 10 students of Analytical Chemistry 3 of SMK Negeri 1 Temanggung for the 2023/2024 Academic Year.</p>Erna Wati, Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Education, Science, and Technology International Conference, 04 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000Implementation of Lesson Study with Problem solving-Based Discovery Learning Model to Improve Mathematical Literacy Skills in SPLDV Class X Material
<p>This research aims to determine the implementation of lesson study with a discovery learning model based on problem solving in the System of Two Variable Linear Equations (SPLDV) material, increasing students' activeness and mathematical literacy skills and looking at student motivation. This research was carried out three times with the stages plan (planning), do (implementation), and see (reflection) at SMK PGRI 1 Taman, Pemalang Regency with the research subjects being class X TSM 3 students, totaling 36 students. This research uses a qualitative-quantitative approach where researchers collect qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data was obtained in the form of documentation such as pictures during the learning process by implementing lesson study with a discovery learning model based on problem solving. The quantitative data obtained in this research were in the form of active observation sheets used by observers to observe students' activities during the learning process, test sheets for testing mathematical literacy abilities and student learning motivation questionnaires. The research results show that the learning process can run well, students can understand mathematics material. The test results of students' mathematical literacy skills and activeness can increase with each meeting and the average student motivation is in the sufficient category. Based on the research results, this research only discusses how to implement lesson study with a discovery learning model based on problem solving in the mathematics learning process. So that similar research regarding the implementation of lesson study with a discovery learning model based on problem solving can examine other learning processes.</p>Muhammad Lupita Sari, Eko Andy Purnomo, Martyana Prihaswati, Nurmawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Development of The Media Game Math City Based on Character Education to Improve Critical Thinking Ability
<p>The low critical thinking ability of students is caused by a lack of skills in understanding and identifying problems, applying appropriate problem-solving strategies, and drawing conclusions from the solutions. The aim of this research is to develop a character education-based learning media game, Math City, to enhance valid, practical, and effective critical thinking skills, showing improvement. The research methodology employed the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) development method. Data collection techniques included observation, questionnaires, and critical thinking ability tests. Sampling was conducted using simple random sampling. The development of the Math City game media received validation scores from media and subject matter experts of 3.80, falling within the valid category, and student and teacher responses averaged 3.26, indicating it is practical. The experimental group's average N-Gain score was 0.45, which is moderate, while the control group's average was 0.17, considered low. The implementation of the Math City game media achieved critical thinking mastery, with classical completeness proving scores above the target score of 71, specifically 81.82, with 85% classically at 94.117%, with 32 out of 34 students achieving mastery. There was a 20.4% influence from learning motivation, and a difference in average critical thinking ability scores between the experimental class at 81.82 and the control class at 70.26. The recommendation from this research is for teachers to optimally use the Math City game media in teaching to engage students effectively.</p>Ayu Putry Regita Sari, Dwi Sulistyaningsih, Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Analysis of Mathematical Literacy in Working on Minimum Competency Assessment Questions Reviewed from Adversity Quotient
<p>This research is a descriptive qualitative research. School selection in this study used proportionate stratified random sampling technique, as well as sample selection using purpose sampling technique, namely 8th grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah Bumiayu. Data collection techniques in this study were ARP tests, AKM tests, interviews and documentation. The results of the study state that the higher and lower the AQ that students have, it will affect their mathematical literacy skills and the results of working on AKM questions. Climber students will try their best to solve problems related to mathematical literacy. Camper students will try but not optimally. Quitters students give up very easily when solving math problems related to literacy. Based on this analysis, the researcher provides suggestions so that students in the quitter category can be assisted by familiarizing students in interpreting problems, composing solutions with the right procedures so that they can master mathematical literacy skills well. For students who are camper and climber types can be accustomed to solving problems according to the right procedure so that they can master mathematical literacy skills even better.</p>Asa Aulia Issabilillah, Venissa Dian Mawarsari, Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Effectiveness of STEAM Coding (Animation and Game) Application Through Web Scratch on 4C Skills
<p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of digital coding media from several STEAM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) based on scratch in the form of animated coding and games on 4C skills (Critical Thinking, Creative, Collaborative, and Communication). Researchers examined this because the school under study already has a coding curriculum whose application has not been seen for its effectiveness. In addition, coding learning there has not used the STEAM approach learning method. Whereas implementing coding learning with the STEAM method can foster, even develop computer skills and 4C students. This research was conducted at English Program Phrathom (Elementary) Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Sadao, Songkhla, Thailand with a total of 32 students using the total sample technique. The type of research used is experimental quantitative research with comparative and descriptive statistics. The research approach used a quasi-experimental posttest only design. Data collection used observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data obtained in this study is ordinal data, so the data analysis technique is Nonparametric Inferential Design using paired sample t test from the application of animated coding and STEAM games and descriptive statistical tests to determine the effectiveness of each learner's 4C skills. The results of this study show that 1. There is a significant difference in the application of STEAM coding seen from the correlation of the two of 0.77 and a significance number of 0.00 and the mean application of STEAM Animation coding of 91.71 is more effective than the application of digital media coding STEAM game of 84.06. 2. Knowing the 4C skills of students in the application of animation and games through the average value in each section, so it can be seen that in the application of coding STEAM animation 4C skills are honed starting from Critical Thinking of 22.03, creative of 23.28, Communication of 22.96, and Collaboration of 23.43 and the application of coding STEAM games 4C skills are honed starting from Critical thinking of 20.62, Creative of 21.87, Communication of 20.31, and Collaboration of 21.25.</p>Livvia Khusnul Qomatfian, Nur Ngazizah, Rintis Rizkia Pangestika
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Estimation Parameter of Susceptible – Infected – Susceptible (SIS) Model with Maximum Likelihood Method Using Steepest Descent Approach to Spread of Typhoid Disease
<p>Typhoid is a disease that can be spread through physical contact. Individuals who contract the disease can be re-infected depending on their immune system. This research uses the Susceptible Infected Susceptible (SIS) model to study the spread of typhoid disease with infection data that follows the Poisson distribution, so the infection rate is assumed to follow the Poisson distribution . The parameter is estimated with the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE). Parameter estimation with MLE did not give exact results, so a numerical approach with the steepest descent method was used. After determining the parameter estimates through the steepest descent approach, the parameters are used to simulate the typhus disease spread model. The result of this research is the parameter estimation of SIS model with infection rate assumed to be Poisson distribution . Parameter estimates are used to predict infection rates based on historical data to understand how past changes affect the current condition of typhoid spread through data plotting.</p>Aurelia Farrah Syafira, Respatiwulan, Sri Subanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Learning Obstacles in Third-Grade Mathematics Learning at SDN 1 Panjang
<p>Mathematics is a means of solving problems from experience, knowledge and skills in everyday life so it needs to be mastered well. However, most students think that mathematics is a difficult subject, especially third grade students at SDN 1 Panjang. The perception that mathematics is a difficult subject is strengthened by the results of learning mathematics on multiplication of whole numbers which is below the KKM. This research aims to describe the learning obstacles by students and the factors that cause mathematical difficulties in multiplication of whole numbers. This research is qualitative research with the subject being the headmaster, third grade elementary school teacher and students at SDN 1 Panjang. The techniques used to collect data are observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The conclusion of this research is that the learning obstacles experienced by students include learning disorder, learning disability, learning dysfunction, teaching dysfunction, and under achiever. Meanwhile, the factors that cause obstacles to student learning consist of internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include negative attitudes in learning mathematics, low motivation to learn, body health, and sensory abilities. External factors include the lack of variation in teacher teaching, the use of learning media that is not optimal, the school infrastructure, and the family environment.</p>Dhina Cahya Rohim, Arienda Putri Margaretha, Amalia Rahmawati, Manggalastawa
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Problem Posing: Creative Thinking Ability-Based Theory Wallas from Habits of Mind
<p>This qualitative research aimed to analyze and delineate the stages of creative thinking as per Wallas' theory, observed through students' problem-posing abilities categorized by habits of mind. The research employed questionnaires, problem posing tasks, and interviews to explore how students in developing and proficient habits of mind categories demonstrate creative thinking in problem-posing. The instruments included a questionnaire on thinking habits and assessments of problem-posing skills. Subjects were purposively selected based on their classification into three habits of mind categories. Data analysis involved techniques of data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings revealed distinct behaviours: students with developing habits of mind tend to propose new problems under familiar conditions without error correction. In contrast, those classified with proficient habits of mind propose new problems under varied conditions and effectively address errors. Other subjects exhibit behaviours intermediate between these categories, problem-posing similarly and rectifying errors as necessary.</p>Febria Dewi Pratiwi, Mardiyana, Ikrar Pramudya
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Application of The Quizizz Educational Game to Math Learning Outcomes
<p>This article is inspired by teachers' creative use of the educational game Quizizz to enhance student learning outcomes. It aims to gain thorough knowledge of how the cutting-edge educational game Quizizz affects mathematics learning outcomes for fifth-grade students. The study was conducted during semester 2 of January–July 2022 at SD Negeri Jatiasih X Bekasi. This descriptive qualitative research employed observational data, interviews, and documentation. Six interview subjects and all fifth graders participated in the study. The findings suggest that using Quizizz educational games improves learning outcomes, as evidenced by a significant 4.29% increase in student learning motivation and results. Thus, it can be inferred that Quizizz has the potential to enhance student learning outcomes. Future researchers and stakeholders, including school administrators, instructors, parents, and students, are expected to benefit from this study.</p>Zulfitria, Tyasti Aryandini, Zainal Arif
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Meta-Analysis: The Influence of The Problem-Based Learning Model on Environmental Problem-Solving Ability
<p>Several experimental studies related to Problem Based Learning on environmental problem solving abilities have been carried out by previous researchers. This research aims to test how large the effect size is and to determine the impact of the Problem Based Learning model on the ability to solve environmental problems. The type of research carried out was meta-analysis, namely a narrative review by analyzing the results of previous research publications. The 11 study articles tested revealed that overall the Problem Based Learning model obtained an effect size value of 1,665, which is in the high effect category. Judging from the characteristics of the research, the Problem Based Learning model has an influence in terms of level of study, but does not have an influence in terms of year of research, number of samples and duration of study. The conclusion of this research is that the Problem Based Learning model is able to improve environmental problem solving abilities, as well as having a positive impact on learning that is integrated into environmental problems.</p>Moh. Rizky Febriansyah, Eko Yuliyanto, Yusrin
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Unleashing The Potential of STEM Education: A Paradigm Shift in Fostering Pedagogical Advancements for Cultivating Innovative Students
<p>STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is essential for preparing students for the global economy. Traditional education has faced criticism for lacking in critical thinking and creativity. In response, innovative teaching methods have emerged, with STEM education bridging skills gaps and fostering problem-solving and creativity in students, transforming modern education. This study aims to explore the paradigm shift required to fully unlock the potential of STEM education in fostering innovation. By shedding light on this potential, the research contributes to the global dialogue on education and innovation. It evaluates how STEM education can enhance teaching methods and foster innovation, emphasizing the need for a shift in educational approaches to harness STEM's capacity fully. The study examined how to improve STEM education through interviews, observations, and document analysis that promotes student-cantered learning, real-world contexts, and interdisciplinary methods to improve creativity and critical thinking. Emphasizing STEM's role in fostering innovation requires paradigm shift and better support for educators. Recommendations include investing in training programs and revising curricula. Further research should explore STEM's long-term impact on innovation and adaptability, aiming to prepare individuals for modern success.</p>Lusy Tunik Muharlisian, Siti Azizah, Amiruddin Hadi Wibowo, Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman, Susantinah Nugrahini Wisnujati, Pratiwi Dwi Karjati, Azlina Idris
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Mechanical Rat Repellant Device Powered by STEAM Based Water Turbine
<p>Rats are one of the rodent pests of rice plants. Plant damage is characterized by a pattern of rice plant death from the middle of the rice field to the edge of the rice field. Rat eradication, including traps and rat poison, actually causes damage to the rice field ecosystem. This research aims to produce and test a rat repellent device that produces mechanical sound powered by a water turbine by using items that are around. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM). Research by Manohar et al. (2019) stated that after mice were placed in a box equipped with noise of 60 dB-90 dB, the mice left the box to avoid the noise because it was considered to arouse fear and be disturbing. The results of this research are in the form of: 1) The means for expelling mice is a mechanical mouse repellent device powered by a water turbine. 2) The feasibility of a Water Turbine Powered Mechanical Rat Repellent Device is based on the STEAM aspect, namely the science aspect of using water flow to drive a turbine; the technological aspect uses the basic principles of propeller motion on a turbine; engineering aspects of using digital media as a means to create product designs; the art aspect uses idiophones sounds produced from cans; The mathematical aspect uses the basic formula for spindle rotation. Based on research results, a STEAM-based water turbine powered mechanical rat repellent device was declared suitable for use.</p>Nur Ngazizah, Nur Adilah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000STEM Literacy as The Key to The Survival of A Sinking Village
<p>Bedono Sinking Village in Indonesia exemplifies the challenges faced by coastal communities due to rising sea levels. This study investigates how STEM literacy empowers residents to adapt. A qualitative case study approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Findings reveal that rising sea levels have significantly impacted livelihoods and social structures. However, villagers have demonstrated resilience through adaptation strategies like raising houses and planting mangroves. The study emphasizes the importance of STEM literacy in understanding the phenomenon, developing innovative solutions, and increasing community awareness. By improving access to STEM Skills (Communication, Creative, Critical Thinking, Collaboration) can build a more sustainable future in the face of climate change.</p>Alya Dwi Arianty, Salmah, Eny Winaryati, Eko Yuliyanto, Andari Puji Astuti
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Innovative Learning Media Through Ethno-STEM Integration for Salt Crystallization Content in Chemistry Learning
<p>Learning chemistry often causes misconceptions in its application. The misconception is caused by the lack of application of chemistry in daily life and the high difficulty in understanding chemical concepts. One solution to providing understanding related to chemistry learning is through learning media that can take advantage of the potential of local wisdom. One of them is local salt. Method research is development research with a Research and Development (RnD) model, which also integrates the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) approach. This research aims to develop a learning media website based on local wisdom by utilizing local salt as a presentation in learning resources. The research results are in the form of adding web features related to materials or the need for teaching materials from local salt. The quality of web design on ethnoscience-oriented learning media websites with the topic of salt crystallization was seen based on the validity test of media experts (86.66%), the responses of students and chemistry teachers as respondents (86.66% and 89.38%). Overall, the results are categorized as valid and do not need to be revised.</p>Salmah, Alya Dwi Arianty, Fitria Fatichatul Hidayah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000STEAM PjBL Based Mathematics Learning Building Spaces Integrated Wisdom Local
<p>This research aims to develop learning tools using the STEAM PjBL approach. The type of research used is a research and development of the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The result is to produce teaching modules and student worksheets (LKPD) for Mathematics learning material for building cubes and blocks based on STEAM PjBL which is integrated with local wisdom in the form of Purworejo batik and Javanese script. This learning tool provides students with the opportunity to: 1) Knowledge about the properties of objects in the surrounding environment (Science), 2) Use ICT in the form of laptops to look for Purworejo batik design ideas (Technology), 3) Students design mesh patterns for building space and Purworejo batik (Engineering), 4) Students explore their creativity in the art of drawing on Purworejo batik and Javanese script (Art), 5) Students apply the concept of scale to drawing mesh patterns of spatial shapes (Mathematics). So it can be said that the teaching modules and LKPD using the STEAM PjBL approach have received qualifications worthy of being applied in the teaching and learning process and the products that have been developed can be used by teachers in learning. The implications of this research are useful in helping students to develop 21st century skills, namely 4C skills in accordance with the independent curriculum.</p>Nur Ngazizah, Inggrit Nada Prahasdita
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Results of Reading Comprehension Test for Elementary School Children Who Are Addicted to Playing The Internet in The Ciputat Area, South Tangerang, Indonesia
<p>The purpose of this study is to find out the value of the ability to understand elementary school children who like to play mobile phones due to the impact of free internet around the South Tangerang mayor's office. This research method uses a quantitative approach consisting of test results and interview surveys. There were 50 samples of internet-addicted children from 150 populations in the region who received free internet access in South Tangerang. Data processing uses frequency distribution. It was found that the average reading comprehension ability score in children who are addicted to the internet is 69. The highest value of reading comprehension ability is the ability to search for information, search, access and find explicit information from the discourse, namely understanding the context, the ability to find the subject of thought and the ability to answer questions where the answer is in the text. The lowest reading comprehension ability is that students have difficulty answering with their own opinions. Students who often use the internet have difficulty expressing the concept of text thoughts and concluding the content of the text.</p>Mas Roro Diah Wahyu Lestari, Harlinda Syofyan, Yasin Efendi, Andi Ahmad Gunadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Development Web-Based Learning Web on Acids and Bases
<p>Basically, the benefits of technology-based learning in supporting the implementation of the learning process can increase students' absorption capacity in understanding the context of learning material, encourage independent learning abilities, teachers must be able to use the learning web by using existing technology which makes it easier for students to learn from observations that have been made. In high school chemistry learning currently only uses textbooks and the web, and gives assignments so that it makes learning less interesting for students and sometimes makes students understand less of the content of the learning material. The aim of this research is to develop a web-based learning website that is developed in chemistry lessons, and the feasibility of the web-based learning website being developed. This Google Sites web-based learning research and development model uses the ADDIE learning model. This research uses a non-test instrument in the form of a validation sheet. The validation feasibility results show that the web learning web development on acid and base material, the assessments of material expert validators, web experts and chemistry teachers, for the feasibility of the web development respectively are 83.5%; 86%; 86%; which means that the web-based learning website on Acids and Bases material is very suitable for use as a learning website.</p>Qomaruddin RD, Marham Sitorus, Ratu Evina Dibyantini
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Small Scale Laboratory KIT for Chemistry Learning Using The Independent Curriculum
<p>The independent curriculum applies a variety of intracurricular learning in the form of more optimal content so that students deepen concepts and strengthen competencies. Apart from that, the independent curriculum also has the characteristics of project-based learning which focuses on hands-on activity. One of them is practical activities. However, practicum activities have not been carried out optimally due to limited time, infrastructure and human resources. So practical activities and practical guides are needed that are simple, practical and easy to understand. The solution to the problem that can be created is the development of a small scale laboratory KIT product for chemistry learning using the independent curriculum. The process of developing small scale laboratory KITs in chemistry learning using the independent curriculum through the ADDIE development stages, namely; Analysis Stage, Design Stage and Development Stage (KIT small scale laboratory accompanied by a practical guidebook obtained material validation results of 3.8, including in the very feasible category and media validation of 3.67, including in the very feasible category and for small scale trials obtained a teacher response of 90%, meaning the response regarding this product was very good, while the student response was 93%, meaning the students gave a very good response.</p>Hana Zhafirah, Endang Tri Wahyuni, Fitria Fatichatul Hidayah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Project-Based Learning in Mastering Optical Physics: Enhancing Students' Learning Engagement and Motivation
<p>This study investigates the impact of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) on student engagement and motivation in an optical physics course. Traditional teaching methods, often characterized by passive learning, are increasingly inadequate in meeting the needs of modern education. PjBL, which involves active student participation in relevant and captivating projects, offers a promising alternative. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, utilizing surveys, interviews, and classroom observations to assess the effects of PjBL on 45 students over a semester. Quantitative data from pre- and post-course surveys indicate significant improvements in student engagement and motivation, with average engagement scores rising from 3.2 to 4.1 and motivation scores from 3.4 to 4.3. Paired t-tests confirm these increases are statistically significant. Qualitative data from interviews and observations further support these findings, highlighting the benefits of collaboration and hands-on activities in making complex concepts more understandable and the learning process more enjoyable. The results demonstrate that PjBL not only enhances engagement and motivation but also fosters a deeper connection with the course material. Educators are encouraged to integrate PjBL into their teaching strategies to create a more dynamic and effective learning environment. The study underscores the value of interactive and practical learning approaches in advanced scientific education.</p>Setya Ferywidyastuti
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Path of Promoting Primary School Students' Inquiry Ability Through Family Education in China Under Information-Based Technology
<p>This study was designed with two primary objectives in mind. The first objective was to identify the strategies that teachers use to enhance students’ inquiry skills within the context of information-based family education. The second objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies in improving primary school students’ inquiry skills within their familial educational environments, as perceived by parents. The methodology employed in this study was a mixed strategy of quantitative survey. The survey was administered to a sample of 40 teachers and 80 parents in Guangzhou, China. Additionally, selected parents were interviewed to gain further insights into the familial educational environments and the strategies employed therein. The results of the study were quite revealing. Over 66% of the teachers expressed confidence in their students’ ability to use school resources to improve their inquiry skills. Despite challenges such as limited access to technology and the digital divide, these teachers employ a diverse range of strategies, including the use of technology, to nurture the inquiry skills of their students. On the other hand, parents were found to leverage various tech-based methods to stimulate their children’s interest and learning. These methods ranged from online research preparation to the use of virtual reality apps. The use of technology was not just limited to sparking interest, but was also utilized to enhance specific inquiry skills such as math practice or exploration of art styles. Children’s reactions when faced with problems were also studied. The study found that children display a range of reactions, from confusion to motivation. These reactions often lead to different help-seeking strategies. Furthermore, children were found to frequently share their learnings with their families. This not only demonstrates the diverse ways in which children acquire knowledge but also the varied ways in which they disseminate this knowledge within their familial environments. This study, therefore, provides valuable insights into the strategies employed by teachers and parents to enhance students’ inquiry skills and the effectiveness of these strategies.</p>Li Ma, Khoirul Anwar
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Effectiveness of Online Teaching Towards Students’ Interest in Learning Physics of The Grade- 9 Student in Yunnan Province
<p>This study took the 9th grade students of Kunming Changshui Experimental Middle School as the research subjects. The purpose of this study is: 1) To study online learning affects Students’ interest in learning Physics. 2) To compare the differences between online learning and traditional teaching in students' interest in learning physics. 3) To investigate how the teachers’ perspectives on online learning affect Students’ interest in learning Physics. This study adopted quantitative and qualitative research methods. To interpret the data, we used mean, standard deviation and narrative analysis for statistical analysis. The main research tools were questionnaires, tests and course plans, and teacher logs. The results showed that: 1) online learning affects students’ interest in learning Physics the overall mean score of all variables was 2.48, and the standard deviation was 0.64, indicating that the consistency of the respondents was generally high; 2) According to the test results, online learning was 69.36 and traditional learning was 75.84, 3) Teachers perspective presented that students who received online teaching performed better in some aspects and average in most aspects. These results show that online teaching did not improve students’ interest in learning, which harmed their learning outcomes. This study emphasizes the importance of students’ interest in learning. Suggestions include optimizing technical support for online teaching, improving course design, and enhancing interaction. Future research should explore technical support for online teaching, technical training for teachers, and longitudinal impact and integration to continuously improve online teaching strategies.</p>Songbiao Yang, Saifon Songsiengchai
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Misunderstanding and Writing Signs in Mathematical Proof
<p>Mathematical proof is an important ability in studying mathematics. The aim of this research is to find out errors in writing mathematical signs. The mathematical signs or symbols used are related to group proofs. The research method used was qualitative research involving four universities. The research results showed that there were errors in writing signs caused by not knowing the concept of group proof correctly. Writing correct signs in mathematical proof has an important role. Errors in writing mathematical signs can cause the process of mathematical proof to become unclear.</p>Abdul Aziz, Iswahyudi Joko Suprayitno
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Teachers' Perspectives on Global Warning in Mathematics Learning
<p>Global warming is a natural phenomenon that urgently needs to be repaired to ensure the survival of creatures on Earth. To overcome this, the entire community must have an understanding of global warming, especially in the field of education. Before providing knowledge to the public, It is necessary to know the teacher's perspective as an educational facilitator regarding integrated learning on global warming. This research describes teachers' perspectives regarding global warming, especially in mathematics learning. This research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The sample used was twelve high school mathematics teachers in Semarang City consisting of young and senior teachers to gain understanding from different points of view. Data collection uses an interview instrument. That instrument has received validation from experts before. The research results show the possibility of using the global warming phenomenon to realize a low-carbon society in Mathematics learning. However, there are difficulties in integrating it into Mathematics learning. It is necessary to develop a learning model that applies global warming to Mathematics learning so its implementation is evident.</p>Martyana Prihaswati, Eko Yuliyanto
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000Integrating The Potential of Local Wisdom of Lawang Sewu With Chemistry Learning as An Innovative Source of Chemistry Learning Through An Ethnochemistry Approach
<p>Ethnochemistry is an approach that integrates original science in society and scientific science based on local culture and wisdom. This research aims to reconstruct community knowledge into scientific knowledge of Lawang Sewu. Lawang Sewu is located in Semarang City and is a place that is quite iconic and historical and can subsequently be used as an innovative teaching material. The research method used is a qualitative approach with ethnographic studies. The research stages are divided into three, namely identification, verification and formulation. The identification stage is that the researcher directly observes the phenomenon that occurs in Lawang Sewu, the verification stage where the researcher conducts observations and interviews with experts, and the formulation stage where the researcher reconstructs community science with scientific science with expert supervision. The result of this research is that Lawang Sewu is closely related to chemical substances including thermodynamics, thermochemistry, ideal gases, elements and compounds as well as temperature and heat. It is hoped that this research can be an innovative learning resource for educators in the field of Chemistry.</p>Mukti Rahmah Inayati, Muna Bilqis Lathifah, Alya Dwi Arianty, Fitria Fatichatul Hidayah
Copyright (c) 2024 Prosiding Edusciencetech, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Children-Related Customs of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and Parents’ Perceptions Towards China’s Compulsory Education
<p>This study looked at how Yunnan Province's Leshichong Central School implemented mandatory instruction. The study's goal was to investigate the variables influencing kids' habits and required learning at Wenshan Leshichong School. The sample group consisted of 320 people, and the population 1900, as per the table by Krejcie and Morgan. A survey with questions was the research instrument. In this quantitative investigation, statistical analysis was performed utilizing percentage, mean (x̄), and standard deviation (S.D.). The findings indicated that three components made up the Children-Related Customs of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture and Parents' Views Towards China's Compulsory Education:1. The engagement of parents. Future research will focus on the student-teacher connection and the mandatory education of ethnic minorities in China. It is advised that educational equity be enhanced to provide children with holistic care and development. The results are not thorough, and the study's limitations are not sufficiently generalized.</p> <p> </p>XinYi XU, Saifon Songsiengchai
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Education, Science, and Technology International Conference, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000Gaining Science Teachers’ Perceptions Toward STEM Education in Indonesia
<p>This study focused on teachers’ perception of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education as an initial step in Indonesian curriculum development. It was expected to provide information about how STEM education emerges into Indonesian curriculum and what the challenges of STEM implementation from teachers’ view as a significant element in education. Twenty-five in-service teachers participated in the STEM professional development program in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, which was divided into four sessions; Presentation, Simple Experiments, and Developed Experiments. The last session of the program was an Interview which was conducted for data collection. The findings revealed that STEM is considered an old instruction in Indonesia but emerges as a new term to most teachers. Furthermore, teachers need support from the government to improve the capabilities for well-implemented STEM class. Some challenges are also revealed as part of the government’s responsiveness.</p>Uswatun Hasanah
Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding Education, Science, and Technology International Conference, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000